Saturday, November 26, 2016

Parent-child relationships in the age of social media

About a two years ago a father from Prior Lake, Minnesota posted a video on YouTube that went viral. The video is below (The original video link may have been removed. This one shows the entire piece, though).

Watch the video and consider the following:

How was social media used by teenagers (in this case Brad's daughter and her friends and other kids), and to what effect? What is your reaction to the incident as Brad describes it? From our reading, and from your experience, does that surprise you?

What prompted Brad (the dad) to use social media to air his opinion?
What are the benefits to his using this forum? Are there any consequences? Consider others connected to the situation.

Do you agree or disagree with this dad's using YouTube in this way?


  1. It is extremely unfortunate that Brad's daughter has been bullied by her peers in high school, especially using her ethnicity as a negative attribute about her through racial slurs in 2014, but I am not sure if both fathers' reactions to this bullying are really effective for anyone involved. Because Brad's daughter and her peers used Snapchat, a platform of social media that instantly is deleted after viewing, it is hard to get the entire story of the exchanges between parties or "prove" who is sending said snapchats to whom. I am a little surprised and somewhat disgusted from the immaturity from posting this YouTube video and the entire exchange between both fathers, but I do feel terribly for both of the teenage girls of their embarrassment after this video went viral but especially Brad's daughter for being negatively subjected to an ethnicity from people that supposedly "do not know the daughter at all." This entire situation seems appalling, but I especially do not agree with how Brad handled it from a father's perspective or how disrespectful the other father treated Brad on the voicemail. The use of the other father's name also seems very immature and unethical, especially on a platform as public as YouTube, but I believe that Brad used social media to air his opinion in order to gain confirmation that he is the "correct" one in this debacle with essentially the parent, while simultaneously disregarding the fact that his daughter is being cyber-bullied from her peers, and to have others assist him into deciding what to do next. I also believe that Brad has changed the situation from being one about his daughter being bullied at school to a situation between the two fathers getting in an argument with each other.

  2. In this case, social media was used as a form of cyber bullying. Technology is the easiest and by far the most popular form of bullying because kids don't tend to recognize the immediate effect it might have, whereas bullying directly has more consequences in terms of adults catching them in action. This doesn't surprise me at all especially because bullying has only grown since I was a teenager and it was not a secret to me in my teenage years. Brad might have been trying to show the positive side of technology. Technology has so many positive benefits and is not only used for hurtful messages but can be used to send positive ones as well. I think using such a public forum has the possibility to effect views positively but it may not give Brad the satisfaction if he sees negative comments on his youtube video. Brad may have been trying to also reach out to an audience (teenagers) that clearly use technology regularly so I do think this may have been a great way to spread the word and to help, in his own small way, combat cyber bullying.

  3. Wow, my reaction to this video is just horrified. This is an incredibly painful situation and, at the same time, I feel so proud of this father for telling his family's story and sharing it online. I, personally, feel very surprised by this whole situation. I did not witness nor engage in anything even closely related to this story back when I was in middle and high school. Although, that's the scary thing about cyber bullying - it's very well hidden and easy to overlook. I think that the fact that my first reaction to this was utter surprise just shows how even a young person like myself, who uses social media every day, can be so naive to situations like this. I am sure that this is happening all over the country every day. I can't imagine what it must feel like to receive threatening and prejudice messages and videos like this one. It is disgusting and needs to be talked about and acknowledged much more in our society. The fact that no one talks about how often things like this happen must lead to each victim feeling completely alone and as though they are the only person being targeted.

    I think that Brad did the right thing by making this video and posting in on YouTube. He is obviously a very distraught parent and he tried multiple other options (calling the family, going to the bullies' house, calling the police) before posting this video publicly. I also appreciated that he withheld the other father's name until he explained that he got the man's permission and then he disclosed it. I would argue that the father in the video had every right to expose the twins' parent.
    Another reason I like that the father used YouTube is because it is an effective way to share his story. He is able to show himself and all of his emotions through the camera, and the video itself can easily be shared across all platforms online. I think that was his point, just making people aware that this type of racism and bullying does exist. He also appears to be asking for help near the end of the video.

  4. Not that I would in any way at all try to defend what that boy and his father said to this man's daughter but I think their use of social media in this instance as a way to be an extension of the culture around them was part of the cause. The daughter and her friend were taking selfies on snapchat (an extremely culturally relevant thing for millennial to do), and probably trying to "look cool" and these boys responded with a way that they might consider culturally relevant to their age and gender group (language like this is used in popular songs, let's be honest). So I think that these teens used social media to make themselves appear more "cool", and of course it backfired. It does NOT surprise me, as it is normal for teenagers to be trying to constantly up their status, especially around peers, not to mention when interaction with the opposite gender, since they are starting to think about dating and relationships.
    It seemed like Brad was prompted by sheer frustration. He feels so angry and shocked at this injustice and like any parent wants to stand up for their child who has been pushed down like this, and for a modern parent who has the entire internet at their fingertips, posting on social media kind of makes sense. Based on what I have seen from people posting videos "ranting" about a social or political issue plaguing us all, the reactions are either dramatically supportive or dramatically condemning. So I think the benefit of posting a video like this is that he would get support from people who sympathize with him, and would feel uplifted and empowered from this. But on the flip side, the drawbacks would be those negative comments, which could get him into further arguments, that could make him feel more degraded, alone, and make him feel at odds with the rest of his peers.

  5. In this case, social media was used to bully an African American high school student in Prior Lake. It wasn’t just instance with social media but several. The twins repeatedly sent snapchats filled with inappropriate and disrespectful content. As Brad described the situation, I felt very sad. I saw how much he loved his daughter and wanted to protect her from the negativity of the world. It is sad that I am not entirely surprised by the situation. I was not surprised by what the high schoolers said, but I was definitely taken aback when I heard the negative things their father had to say.
    I think one of the main factors that prompted to make a public video is that they knew a family that recently lost their young child via suicide from bullying. He did not want that to happen to his daughter, and he even mentioned that in the video. I believe that Brad turned to social media because it reaches a lot of people quickly. He wanted to let people know what was happening and how people positively or negatively reacted to the situation. I’m not sure that there would be any consequences for Brad even though some individuals might disagree with his approach. I do believe it is going to have consequences for the father of the twins whose name is now out in the public. The father could find a way to sue Brad possibly. Brad’s daughter may be embarrassed about the situation but that is something she will have to talk over with her father. Brad did publicly defend his daughter and speak about how much of a blessing she was to their family, though.
    In most cases I wouldn’t agree with a dad taking issues like this to YouTube, but I think it made people take the situation seriously. Brad didn’t want this to be a problem that affected even more teenagers. He wanted the racism to stop as soon as possible. I don’t entirely agree with Brad mentioning the other father’s name, but I’m sure that Brad felt it was the right decision and I stand behind him for doing that. After watching the video, I saw a father that fiercely loved his daughter and would do anything to protect her.

  6. I would like to say that this incident was surprising but it really isn't. There are so many cases of cyberbullying happening every day that go unmentioned or unseen. In this case, we would not have known of this horrific occurrence if it wasn't for the father, who took to social media in order to inform the public of what was happening and that something needed to be done. The major use of media was snapchat (which was used to cyberbully and throw hatful words towards this father's daughter). Another method of media that was used was YouTube. It's interesting to see how people can use these types of social media to talk of difficult subjects. I view apps like Snapchat, Instagram, and Youtube as being sites where I can see friends or watch fun videos, not to find content on such difficult topics. I think it's a path that can be both positive as well as negative. The positive side to the use of social media is that it will reach an audience much larger than newspapers or communities. It'll go further than local, or even national. The use of these apps can make information seen on the global scale. This can get news and messages out to people that would never have seen it otherwise. This can be a good thing, like this case that is shown here. The father wanted to show his daughter and those that were the actual culprits, that this type of behavior cannot go without consequences. When the father went to the police, the response was not the one he was looking for. So, he took to social media, which in turn have him the result he was looking for. While this may seem like a good thing, it can also be negative. Anyone has access to social media sites, so any information can be shared. Hatred and discrimination can be shared globally, which can teach people about anger and violence rather than peaceful practices of the freedom of speech. There's a blurred line between the negatives and positives of sharing such difficult and deep content on sites like YouTube. Overall, I really do agree with what the father said and his actions. This type of behavior just can't be ignored because in turn, it could cause further harm down the road. He was pretty civil throughout the whole video and he stated what was on his mind. If he was acting in a disrespectful or violent manner I would have a lot more negative things to say about the content of this video. But, because he seemed very passionate and more educational than anything, I think his video was a positive act of protest.

  7. Wow. That was a lot to take in and it was a very unfortunate situation. In this case social media was used by the teenagers to bully and what not on snapchat. Snapchat has become very popular in today's age so i'm not surprised that 11 year olds are using it.
    I definitely agree with what Brad did in this case with the YouTube video. I think his ultimate motive was to raise awareness of this subject that probably happens all the time. Really, it makes me extremely sad that their family had to go through something like this. It is sad that parents promote that kind of behavior with their kids. I understand Brads anger and outrage with the situation. I'm sure he took it to YouTube because he knew it would be seen and he knew he would be heard.
    The benefit of this use of technology is that Brad is heard and seen but some consequences are, the target on his childs back, not a bad target but a target in a sense that she will be looked at and talked about all the time, the consequences for the Puro family, they probably moved to a different state and lost jobs maybe. So in total i think it was the right thing to do!

  8. In this instance, Brad's daughter and her friends were using social media for simple entertainment; they were taking selfies. However, the bullies were using social media as a tool to propagate racism and hate. It seems so paradoxical to have an entertainment medium (in this case Snapchat) used for carefree fun, and conversely, used for bullying. I was saddened to say the least after viewing this clip because no one should have to feel inferior and go through the torture that is bullying. Yet, this incident isn't surprising because Brad's daughter had already experienced bigotry in the past, and this Snapchat incident probably won't be her last encounter with intolerance. In my eyes, Brad used social media to express his opinion because he knew it would reach both a large and diverse audience. Going off that, Brad was certainly broadcasting a message rooted in revenge; he called-out the name of the bully's father. While I don't normally applaud acts of revenge, this instance certainly seems justified. My only worry is that this public video will be used as further fuel to ridicule and demean Brad's daughter. For this reason, I don't agree with Brad's decision to air this. His daughter is going through enough, now the entire world knows she was bullied, which must be embarrassing and traumatic.

  9. Watching this video made me feel sad. I can't believe what the kids were saying to Brad's daughter. Social media is an incredible technology that allows us to do so many things, but it can also be used for bad. As I was watching, it made me think about my middle school experience because there was a time when someone decided it would be funny to make a fake social media profile of me. It said some very mean things. Brad's daughters situation was way worse than mine and I can't imagine how hard it was on his daughter. It's not right and shouldn't be done. I liked Brad's video because it brings awareness to the issue of cyber bullying. What I don't like is that he gave away the individuals name. Yes he said some awful things, but I don't think that is the right way to go about it and might cause even more problems. If the video didn't talk about about the Dads name, I would agree with it.

  10. This video really hit home to me because I have a cousin who is a freshman in high school. She calls me at least three times a month sobbing because of how cruel other kids are and it absolutely floors me how they have changed the use of social media. The most recent being that another girl saw that my cousin had snapped her boyfriend on snapchat. She got jealous and spread rumors and sent fake nude pictures to everyone in the school. The bullying got to the point where she had to transfer to a school an hour away to try to get away from the bullying. The biggest thing I had to worry about in high school was getting rejected by my crush or accidently wearing granny panties on gym day, you couldn't pay me enough to go back today.

    I completely understand the dad's rant and why he went about it the way he did. Parent's like the twins' are the reason racism is still thriving in the world today. I do not necessarily think social media was the best avenue, if he really wanted to exploit the issue, a news channel may be a better option. However, I think he would need to talk to his daughter before doing anything. Since it is so easy to become a target these days, this may actually invoke more bullying and make her life worse overall.

  11. In class was the first time that I watched this video. It was somewhat difficult to watch, being able to see how much love this man has for his adopted daughter. It shows that family bonds don't have to be blood to be strong. Bullying can be a difficult thing for kids and parents to deal with. Especially in today's day and age where technology allows people to be bullied outside of school as well, The daughter in the video was being bullied over Snapchat. I think that the dad was just venting to social media to advocate for his daughter. The consequences of his actions led to the family that was bullying his daughter to leave the state, the father loosing his job, and DUI records of that families father surfaced as well. I do think that dad did have the right to do what he did by outing the outer family. The dad tried to contact the father of the kids that were perpetrating the violence towards his daughter. The father was proud of what his kids do and said that they joke like that at home. The dad tried to be rational with an irrational man. Watching this video has shown me what can really happen when action is take about bullying on an open forum.

  12. I had seen this video before it had been shown in class, but I do think it's a good contrast to the parenting style shown in the other youtube video where the dad shoots his daughter's laptop. In this video, the dad describes his daughter and her friends as messing around on snapchat in an appropriate way: taking silly selfies and sending them to friends. However, the other family's children were not using snapchat in that way, they were using it to bully and terrorize his daughter. I agree with some others above that the father was using social media in order to advocate for his daughter. I think he chose to use social media because the threat to his daughter came through social media- in his emotions it likely seemed like the best choice. In the end though, I don't know if social media was the best choice. He clearly tried to go other routes first, such as talking to the parents of the children bullying his daughter, and that didn't work. Did the other family, as bad as their behavior was, need their problems publicly aired like that? What problems did this solve? Did it fix the behavior of the other family? Probably not. Did it protect his daughter? Probably somewhat. I'm not totally in agreement or disagreement with the father either way.

  13. Social media in this case was used negatively to attack and humiliate a 13 year old girl because of her skin color/race. I'm very upset that this incident happen and I can't imagine what it would feel like to be called names, to feel ostracized by society and to know that some parents accept this kind of behavior from their children. I'm not surprised that this happened because in this new age of technology cyber bullying happens a lot more often than we think. I know of instances where my 13 year old sister has been bullied via Facebook and I have had to step in for her. I think the biggest issue about this situation and the reason that Brad (the dad) was prompted to use media was because the father of the children left an inappropriate voicemail on his cellphone, and didn't take any action to heal the situation. I do think that there are consequences to Brad using the fathers name in his video, naming their location and where his children attended school. I understand his anger and resentment, but there are angry individuals in this world that can threaten, hurt or stalk their family in order to demand justice (which I think is inappropriate). I don't think the names or the location should have been used, because I see this as another form of bullying which is coming from Brad- ironic because he is advocating for his daughter who was bullied. I would hate for the twins and his father to be in danger because of this. I disagree with Brads way of using YouTube and instead he could have continue to work with law enforcement or focus on what he could control, which is his daughter. Brad can help guide, educate and love his daughter the best way he can. To help her deal with instances like these in the future, because it probably won't be the last time that she faces racism and she needs to learn what to do when dad is not there to protect her.

  14. In this video, Brad describes his daughter being harassed by these two twins at her high school over snap chat. The twins called his daughter the N word and were just verbally harassing her for being African-American. To be honest, I wasn’t surprised to hear this story. There is still racism in the world (sadly in Prior Lake, too), and teenagers are learning that they won’t get in trouble for saying racist remarks and bullying others. Snap chat gives these teenagers power because they think these videos will be erased forever and they can’t be copied. It’s just disappointing to watch.

    Brad uses social media to post the video because he wanted to be heard. He wanted to raise attention towards not only the issue of racism, but the issues of entitlement and not getting punished for bullying. I think Youtube did a better job getting the message across than an open letter would, because he showed videos from snapchat. I don’t really feel bad for the teenagers bullying his daughter because they were never punished.

    I agree with the dad using Youtube in this way. My little sister was bullied in high school when some terrible girls made a fake twitter page putting her on blast and making fun of her. I went to the school and the police liaisons with screenshots but they didn’t do anything about it. Sometimes, you just have to let your voice be heard, not to get justice, but to tell the world that there is an issue that isn’t getting fixed.

    1. I would also like to add that Brad has white power because he is a middle-aged white male and people will actually listen to and believe him when he posts on social media. That gives him some advantage to create a youtube video.

  15. People (in this case teenagers) use Snapchat to send messages and pictures to each other that disappear within a few seconds. In this situation a pair of twins was sending videos using racial slurs and demeaning comments to and African American teenager in Prior Lake. The parents of the teenage girl found out and were horrified. The father resorted to social media because his efforts to resolve this privately with the father of the twins just resulted in more racist comments. Unfortunately this is not an uncommon story, racism still exists sometimes even when people don't realize it (I think this is becoming even more clear with the president-elect). I have fortunately never really experienced racism directed at me, but my family has and it is hurtful and scary. I think that the father's decision to go on social media about this was genius, he was getting no where with the family, and the twins father actually had started harassing him instead which is sad, their view on other races was obviously handed down through generations. I actually agree with the dad using social media to call this guy out..I also think he had a great platform for doing so, he's a white male who is concerned for his child, people will definitely (and did definitely) listen and relate to that.

    On a side note, I read more into this and there was another interview later because his daughter didn't take the situation as seriously and had also sent videos using the N word. The father later stated that he was disappointed that she did, and that that killed the whole side of his post, AND that no matter what your skin color they didn't tolerate derogatory language like that and that they will be addressing that with her (she got in trouble too).

  16. Social media was used as an easy way to bully someone without having to do it to their face. It is truly the easiest way to bully someone because there are little consequences for your actions and you can do it completely on your own. Honestly, this situation doesn't surprise. I have heard so many stories of bullying over social media, which is much more prevalent than bullying in person. This type of bullying often leads kids to committing suicide, so it is extremely serious.

    I think that Brad used social media to air his opinion because social media is what first caused the bullying towards his daughter. I think that he understands how truly powerful social media is, and decided that it would be the best platform to combat the bullying. Additionally, I don't think Brad really knew what to do in this situation. He talked about how he had no idea what to do about how he felt, but he felt so much and just needed to talk about it. I think he just wanted the world to know what was going on. Benefits to this is that the message will get across to a lot of people, which may be what Brad wanted. Consequences to this approach is that maybe he is violating his daughter's and the bullies' privacies. Additionally, viewers may agree with what Brad is saying but not necessary how he went about doing it. I can't imagine what life was like for his daughter and for the bullying family after this message was sent.

    Honestly I'm not sure whether or not I agree with this method. I think that it is truly the best way to get a message across or reach a lot of viewers. This was a way that Brad used to cope with what is going on and he just wanted his voice heard. However, I do not know if it is the most mature technique. He is almost bullying the bullies and their father over social media, much like what happened to his daughter. This time, there is a much larger audience. It is hard to know whether he did the right thing, but I don't know if I would turn to social media in such a drastic way.

  17. I agree with the father, I can't believe there are still individuals in this world that can be so idiotic. I think the way he handled may have been appropriate in this case. It seemed like neither the police, nor the school was doing anything to help this young adolescent. As a parent you may make rash decisions when upset to protect your child. I think what he said on social media was right on point. By bringing it to social media, the video helped prove that bullying is still a major concern in schools today. I feel really bad for this man and his family. You can tell how much he cares about his daughter. I think the love he shows for her and the open relationship they have is super healthy. I am glad that both parent and child could openly communicate with one another. I think the daughter has a great support system at home, which in times of bullying is super important to this child's self-esteem.


  18. I am not surprised that this is happening. Social media, in particular snapchat allows people a chance to speak their mind, whether it is hateful of not, without much in terms of consequences. I think it's important to air out our dirty laundry - the fact that Brad took to the public with his opinion is important for educating the masses that there are still those out there that are hateful and ignorant. It may not be the most eloquent way of addressing the issue at hand, but it's important that Brad put this out for the public to see. I think that there may have been a better outlet in which to express his opinions, however I find that his use of youtube was appropriate.

  19. I couldn’t find the original video, but I read the story and watched a couple news segments on the topic. From what I read, it sounds like Brad’s daughter was bullied over Snapchat because she is African American. Snapchat, sadly, is the perfect place for bullying to occur because the pictures, messages, and videos disappear after a few seconds, which makes it practically impossible to hold anyone accountable for their words and actions. Additionally, Snapchat, along with other social media platforms such as Instagram, are absurdly popular. Thus, I am not surprised that it was used as a means of bullying. Besides the bullying itself, I am extremely disheartened by the response of a parent of one of the bullies. Clearly, in this situation, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and the teen probably feels comfortable using racial slurs because their parents have most likely normalized their use in their household. In my opinion, it would be extremely beneficial if social media exposure would provide adolescents and pre-teens with more positive learning opportunities. I think that Brad’s use of YouTube does just that. It highlights the ever-embedded crisis we are facing with regards to adolescent social media use, which I think a lot of parents are actively choosing to ignore.

  20. It is saddening to be made aware of the bullying that Brad's daughter has been subjected through and the responses Brad has had to deal with in attempts to combat the bullying, but is also an unfortunate aspect of this digital age we live in. In this instance, social media was used in two ways. The first, as a means of discrimination and oppression by the teenagers towards Brad's daughter. The second, as a tool to promote awareness and foster discussion similar to how this blog posting is inviting us to do by Brad's father. I feel as though one of the benefits of using social media as a forum for expression is also one of its biggest consequences depending on the context, and that is just the sheer number of people you have the means of reaching and the sheer speed at which a post can go from trending to viral. Nevertheless, similar to how big-name agencies and companies are using Youtubers as a means of promotion for their products or services, I believe it's also important for us to be aware of the impact we can have when using social media because what Brad was also able to accomplish is exposing how the parents' of the teenagers who were bullying his child supposedly are the ones who instilled in their children their skewed views. With this, it's additionally feasible for people studying parent-child relationships and interactions to further elaborate on the influences either has over the other and how it would then translate into society.

  21. I may work in the technology business, but I am not familiar with the social media Snapchat or Instagram platforms. It seems that if a person wanted to agitate or cause distress with no incriminating evidence, then Snapchat would be the weapon of choice. It's naive to think "out of sight, out of mind," would insulate a person from the kind of hate speech the girl was subjected to. Kids today are really no different from bygone days, but their bravado is enhanced, as they can harass from great distances, then disappear. The father was clever to document and gain permission from the bully's parent to be documented during their conversation. As Forrest Gump would say, "Stupid is, as stupid does." He deeply cares for his daughter, as any parent would. Taking to social media and getting noticed definitely worked in his favor. He allowed the oppressive and vulgar language of the other parent to make his case; bad behavior is a learned trait.

  22. Social media was used by teenagers to bully Brad's daughter. They made fun of her and she thought it was normal. She wasn't as upset as Brad was. I think that bullying is totally unacceptable. My heart broke for Brad as he described the incident. Children can be really cruel these days. I was not that surprised because this type of behavior is not unheard of today. Behind a screen many people will say whatever they want without consideration of others. I think that Brad was prompted to air his opinion on social media because he has tried all other methods to bring justice for his daughter. Nothing was being done and he had to take matters into his own hands. I think that it was smart of him to ask for permission to post up recordings of one of the bully's father. Brad was acting as a father should. By going public he was able to get the attention he needed to get something done. The consequences could be that he would ruin the bully and his family's life, but they have failed to take responsibility for their actions. What the parent chooses to do in this situation is a teaching moment for their children. I think Brad did a great job in standing up for his child.

  23. In this scenario, social media was used by the teenagers via SnapChat to bully Brad's daughter. Given the information from the video, the teenagers who sent the offensive SnapChats did not even know Brad's daughter, and were most likely sending and saying those racial remarks to get a rise out of someone or as a result of their ignorant parents. I found the incident as Brad describes it to be horrifying. It actually does surprise me that this incident of bullying happened only two years ago. I am not from the MidWest, but it is my understanding that Prior Lake is very close to the Twin Cities, which is an extremely progressive area. The fact that high school students would use racial slurs and send them to someone in hopes to offend them really shocks and upsets me.

    I think feeling helpless in the situation is what prompted Brad to turn to social media. He mentioned in the video that calling the teenagers' parents was not successful and he also tried to contact the police. It might have been a last resort, but Brad seemed so angry and torn up over the incident to the point where he just wanted as many people to know as possible what happened. That is one benefit of social media-- it attracts mass audiences and can be widely distributed. Some consequences to this are that Brad's daughter might be embarrassed by the post or possibly get bullied more in school for it. This would be the opposite of Brad's goal, considering he just wanted the teasing to stop and for his daughter to feel safe.

    I have mixed feelings of this Dad using YouTube in this way. I agree with everything he said in the video and thought it was good he was getting the word out, however, if I were in his daughter's shoes and a freshmen in high school I think I would be mortified if my dad posted something like that. Perhaps this story might have been better if it had gone as a viral article rather than a video. But then again, maybe it wouldn't have gone viral. I'm not sure.

  24. Through Snap Chat, social media was used to bully a young girl (or what Brad perceived as bullying towards his daughter). In creating the video, Brad may have been trying to vent, he felt like there was no where to turn to as the school or the other parents didn't want to deal with this. He doesn't seem to overly understand the reach of YouTube and the effects that it can have. Obviously, from his remarks, his daughter wasn't affected by the incident, or at least she wanted to appear so (may be trying to avoid further bullying from peers) after the affects of her father's video (the family having to move after Brad put them on blast). I wasn't surprising by the events that Brad described; these acts of racism are, unfortunately, perpetuated by racism conversation in the home; if these children are hearing that kind of language, it's not unusual that they'd be repeating it.
