Saturday, November 26, 2016

Parent-child relationships in the age of social media (Part 2)

In this video a father takes to social media, not to share his experience with the father of a bully, but to address his daughter. He is outraged by her rant on Facebook against her parents. Watch it below:

What is your reaction to this video? What is your take on the daughter's rant? And that she took it to Facebook? How about the father? What do you think about his words to his daughter? How about his physical demonstration of asserting demandingness? And what do you think of HIS taking this all to social media?

If you were the daughter (or son) and angry with your parent, would you take your anger and disagreement to Facebook? Why or why not? How would you feel if your parent responded to you using social media?


  1. My main reaction to this is irritation. It seems like his rage and expression of demandingness is way out of proportion. I understand that his child was disrespectful and it would have been wiser to rant to her friends in person and kept it off of social media. Yet, I think it is a normal teenage experience to get fed up with chores (especially when you don't understand the reasoning behind your duties) and I believe teens are entitled to their rants and such. it would be better if she had a personal blog that she could post to instead of a format that is so easy for her dad to find. I get that her language was a problem but the dad made a fool of himself in response.

    The dad is clearly angry about their family business being posted online and yet he posts his response so that other people can see that he "won" in this situation. It looks like he was offended and took this rant very personally and needed to prove himself in the eyes of other people. He looks like he just wanted to act tough on social media. Using a gun to shoot a laptop is childish. It also completely disproved his main point. He was saying that the child hadn't bought the laptop and that it wasn't her property. Then he destroys what he had previously claimed is HIS laptop and tells her that she needs to pay him for it.

    The primary goal of this response was to embarrass his child, establish his dominance/assertiveness/masculinity, and make his child pay emotionally/financially for her rant. That accomplishes hardly anything within the parent-child relationship. The child is going to feel even more powerless, angry, and resistant to family rules. Intimidation may have worked with younger children but with many teens, this kind of display is going to only fuel more anger and rebellion. The dad could have expressed his same amount of anger, disapproval, and rules without posting it to social media and in a way that would have preserved their relationship.

  2. My first reaction to this video was that it was a silly and childish post. I thought the father's comments were snarky and funny. But then I remembered that this was a real life situation and I got upset. I can understand how upset, betrayed, and disrespected this father feels. He is completely entitled to those emotions and he has every right to be mad at his daughter. Her post was very rude and she should not have written somewhere as publicly as Facebook. This type of 'rant' was clearly meant for a personal journal or a phone call to a friend. It's upsetting that the daughter felt the need to express her feelings so publicly.
    However, at least she was expressing her feelings and getting out her anger in written form rather than a physical form of aggression. I think that the main issue here is the lack of communication between the child and her parents. She clearly does not feel comfortable disclosing these feelings and emotions to her parents, which is unfortunate. I think that the father in this video acted impulsively and in a very immature manner.
    I don't think too much will be solved from his reaction. He clearly wants to publicly embarrass his daughter, which is frustrating because he can't see that his own emotions are stemming from the embarrassment of being publicly ranted about. Yes, it is possible that after this his daughter will go get a job to pay for a new laptop and she will continue to do her chores, but she also will hold in some deep anger towards her father. This type of video is not something that will easily be forgotten by her, and it could quickly lead to the end of a positive relationship between the two.
    All he is doing in this video is taking away his daughter's platform of expressing her emotions. He isn't talking to her, he isn't helping her, and he isn't stopping her from feeling mad or being 'selfish'. All he is doing is breaking her one outlet of expression, and it's very possible that now she will express herself through less healthy forms.

  3. I was incredibly annoyed be the entire video. I do agree with the father that the daughter’s rant was incredibly disrespectful and made things seem worse than they really were. She definitely should have known better than to disrespect her parents publicly on social media, not once, but twice. However, I think that some of the father’s words were a little on the harsh side. As he displayed his anger at his daughter’s words, he used those same words to describe her. I don’t think he is being a very good example by publicly displaying his anger in response to his daughter’s anger. He is doing the same thing to her that she did to him. I personally thing that his physical demonstration was incredibly uncalled for. By shooting her laptop, he showed his daughter he had absolutely no respect for her. He was too aggressive in his approach to get a good conversation going with his daughter about the situation.
    Personally, I would never take my frustrations at my parents to social media. I respect my parents for all that they have provided me with. There is nothing that they could do to me that would make me want to post terrible things about them on social media. If my parents were to act similarly as the father in this video, I would not have any desire to help them around the house. It isn’t an effective form of discipline because it is so forceful. The rational response to something like this should be an open discussion, not ranting on Facebook.

  4. This guy just blew my mind!!
    Are you kidding me? Pulling out a gun and shooting the laptop? So extreme. I disagree 100% with him using facebook as a platform to humiliate his daughter. This didn't solve a single thing. He is not being a good example and he is not trying to correct any behaviors. He could have said all of this straight to her face with the mom. I'm sure this will lead to more rebellious behaviors and create a wider divide between them. Obviously he is a very demanding father and his parenting style was displayed.

  5. After watching this I was very conflicted. What the girl said about her parents was awful and would be a very hard thing for a parent to come across. What I find interesting is that the dad is doing the same exact thing that the girl did to him over social media. It most likely got the daughter to change her behavior but I don't think that doing it over facebook is something that should be done. I wonder if the father would have posted the video if he knew it was going to go viral and not just to the daughters friends. Also, I would imagine that the daughter would have a hard time at school with her peers after everyone saw it. I do agree that the dad most likely changed the daughters behavior by making the video, but I don't think that it was a healthy and loving way to go about it.

  6. My first thought after watching this is that this is 100% something my dad would do. I was raised that no matter what you thought of your elders, you never disrespected them, especially in public. I would never even consider doing what she did. I'll give it to the kid, she's got some balls to say that. From the video, it seemed like maybe permissive parenting over the years made it seem like even a little bit of responsibility was the end of the world. I think what the father did was great. If this is what it takes her to finally listen and understand consequences then so be it. It was not the first time it happened, so more drastic measures were necessary. I think the father went about how he felt in a way that explained moreso that he was disappointed rather than just being pissed. This is a premeditated punishment, he probably didn't just run and grab the camera the second he read it. She is old enough to understand what he is saying.
    The father had a gun holster and seemed to be on a bigger property, suggesting guns were a common thing in the household, so I do not really see a problem with it. If Hannah was outside watching this, then that would be a different situation. As a parent, I think that I would respond similarly if I were in this situation. I do not believe in putting personal business on social media, but sometimes the punishment has to fit the crime. If I were in her position I would be mortified, but I'd deserve it soooooo...

  7. Oh my god this video was sooo funny! Haha, I could not stop laughing because I agreed with the father so much. The rant that the daughter posted was so immature and I’m surprised her friends didn’t see how entitled she was. The father was very composed – yet tough – and explained himself well. I do feel bad for the way he embarrassed his daughter, though, because he may regret posting this video in the future. He seems really strict about what she posts on Facebook. I don’t think that the dad should post this video on social media… Especially on his daughter’s Facebook wall!! I would be so devastated. That could really get his daughter bullied and she could go through a hard time from comments from his video. It’s just so much worse than having the daughter post an apology.

    If I were the daughter, I might take my anger out on social media. Not Facebook, because that’s where my family interacts with one another appropriately, but possibly Twitter if I were 15 or 16. I remember tweeting once that I was mad at my parents but that’s about all I remember saying. It just really shows your age to post that stuff on social media. Same with the dad, though – it was really immature of him to post that video. And he also overreacted with shooting down the laptop… Interesting guy.

  8. My thoughts during this video were somewhat conflicted. On one hand I think that shooting his daughters laptop and taking his rant so publicly to Facebook was somewhat uncalled for, once you post something on the internet it doesn't go away, and that could make reconciliation more difficult to obtain moving forward. His daughter and him may begin talking more but there will always be that reminder of the viral post where he shot up her laptop. I also feel that even though she was incredibly disrespectful to her parents and other adults in her life, his blatant display of anger isn't really showing a good example of how to handle your emotions for his children and how they should handle issues as adults.

    If I tried to look at this from a positive perspective, the dad did mention that this is not the first time this has happened and maybe this was the only way that she could understand how humiliating and disrespected her father felt when she makes her public posts. Maybe he had private discussions with her at home and tried to discuss them with her, but they had been failing and since teens are so attached to social media that this was the only way he felt he would be heard. By posting it to Facebook he could also control how she spun the story, she couldn't really go to school and say that something else had happened when her peers had already seen the situation on her FB page.

    On the daughters side, I think that she could have handled her emotions better and her parents would have been more receptive to her feelings if she had talked to them about it instead of posting it on social media. I also think that although I thought the demonstration of shooting up her laptop was a bit over the time, that his words cut deep without really demeaning her (name calling, etc). He read what she wrote and addressed it. I also admire him for standing up for the woman who cleans their house, she was mad at her parents there was no reason to bring someone else into it as well.

  9. I don't really know what my reaction was to this video. I think I was a little surprised on both sides of the it. The daughter's rant made me very angry. I feel as though I have probably felt that at some point. In high school, you're very caught up in what you're doing and you might sometimes feel like you are your parents slave and you have a lot to do. This really isn't at all true. In the midst of what she was feeling, she went about how she voiced her opinion in a really negative way. She said a lot of hurtful things about her family and I thought that it was very unnecessary. It doesn't surprise me that she decided to take her frustrations out on Facebook. Not only did she want to voice her opinion, but I'm sure she wanted her friends to empathize with what she was feeling. She may have felt control of this situation by doing it this way. I would be mortified if my father made this video and posted it on my Facebook. He was obviously playing off of everything that his daughter said and did. He seemed to take it a little far, especially when he started shooting her computer. I thought that was pretty extreme. I understand that he wanted to do to her what she did to her parents by putting it all on Facebook. However, I don't know how effective this technique is. Does this teach the daughter that it is ok to always use social media instead of having a mature conversation? I understand that her father was very angry, but maybe if they could have sat down together and had a conversation a lot of this could said out in the open, they could bring up anything that made them upset, and they could maintain their relationship.

    If I were angry with my parent, I would never take it to Facebook, or any social media platform. Typically, I would just talk to friends or my brothers about what I were angry about. Firstly, I would be too scared that my parents would find out. Secondly, I know that my parents would not only be angry with me if I did that, but hurt that everyone knows how I am feeling except for them. Additionally, if my parent responded to me using social media I would angry, hurt, and embarrassed. This makes me feel as though social media is the last way to voice an opinion about another person.

  10. I found it completely hypocritical that this dad is ranting about how disrespectful his daughter is being over social media, and yet he responds to her in the exact same way and fashion. What his daughter did, was not okay, this is true. I'm sure that he as a parent he is feeling very disappointed. There has never been a time in my life where I would have made a social media post about either of my parents like that, and they certainly would not have posted anything about me. We have talked a lot in this class about the influence a parent has as a role model. I sincerely do not think that this was an appropriate way to respond to a child's misbehavior, especially the part where he shoots her laptop. That is seriously concerning in my opinion.

  11. I found this video immature. The daughter's rant could have been executed differently, for example, talking to her parents about her concerns instead of bringing it to social media. The father's rant could also have been executed differently. They both are very critical of each other and point fingers. There is a clear miscommunication between the two of them since they both are claiming different things about each other. I think that the dad should not have brought his rant to social media. The father's use of physical destruction of his daughter's laptop by shooting it with a gun was completely unnecessary. This is a family matter and does not need to be discussed on social media. I feel that both the daughter's and father's behaviors on Facebook will cause significant issues in their relationship and will drive them further apart.

    If I were angry with my parent, I would definitely NOT take my anger to Facebook. For one thing, I am a private person and do not feel the need for all of my Facebook friends to see issues in my family. Another reason is that I don't think my Facebook friends would appreciate an angry rant about my parents. I would be very upset if my parents responded in the way that this dad did. It would be difficult to repair the relationship when it is such a public matter to everyone on our social media sites. Family matters are just that; they should be handled privately in the family. However, acts of abuse, etc. should be taken in person to the police.

  12. I strongly disliked this video; I don't think that the daughter's action was appropriate. However, I have some empathy for her. It doesn't sound like she had a good relationship with her parents at that age anyhow, but it also sounds as though her parent's weren't doing much to connect with her. They seem to have a very authoritarian (high demandingness, low warmth) parenting style, and it sounds as though she's very frustrated with that. I don't think she should have taken it to facebook. That's a very public platform, and it's quite likely she didn't understand the consequences of putting it on facebook. However, I don't think the father's actions were the best ones he could have taken, and he certainly did not need to post a video. I felt like his reaction to her post was unwarranted. His physical actions of shooting the laptop seemed like it would damage the already unstable relationship, and my main worry is that it will be very difficult to repair their relationship after this. His publicizing it and then it going viral likely made the damage even worse. Clearly some discipline was needed; but this was not the correct way to go about it.

    I don't know that I would have brought it to facebook. I knew well enough at that age not to do something like that- it was too public and I was fairly focused on protecting my family at the time. I may have vented on a smaller forum based community, as I was a part of a few at the time. I may have even done so at the time, but I doubt my mother would have been able to find it very well. Had my mother found and publicly posted something like that video, I certainly would have been angry and humiliated. It would be very difficult for me to trust my mother after that.

  13. I am not sure how I feel about this video. For me I was conflicted because I think both were immature in addressing the conflict at hand. I don't know enough about their relationship to start making claims, but I did hear "step-mom" so I can assume the daughter comes from a broken home, and based off the fathers reaction, I feel like he may be somewhat controlling. Based on these observations, I think their relationship may not be the greatest. Though the fathers actions were rash and could have been handled differently, I also think the lesson he taught might have been something she needed to hear. There are many children these days who even into college have never worked a job and still get things handed to them by their parents. I know because I am friends with some. The way some of them talk is super annoying because you can hear the snob just poring out of their lazy mouths. Part of me thinks she deserved a little reality check, and to learn from her mean outburst on social media. Being rude and mean to your parents who provide everything for you is something I find super disrespectful. I may have laughed when the dad put eight rounds into his daughters computer. Probably because I had a sick satisfaction for her getting what she may have deserved.

  14. The outside source of drama craving aspect of me loves this. It's immature, it shows how upset he is, and it's all public. I love it. I understand the idea behind posting this for the world to see, just as his daughter did, but in my opinion this could have been handled face to face. Yes, it was inappropriate for a teenage girl to rant like that in a public forum, but that does not mean that the father should necessarily follow suit.
    The daughter is obviously beyond overwhelmed with her responsibilities and simple requests from parents may feel like slave work, but there needs to be clear communication about these feelings with her parents. Clearly both sides are upset, and neither of them are handling it very well.
    When it comes to the fathers' physical display using a fire arm, I am not okay with that. I am all for laying down the law, but when there's that much rage pent up that you're willing to unload a firearm, that's crossing the line.

    I myself would never take anger and disagreements online with my parents. I don't like to draw that kind of attention to myself, and if something is truly affecting me, I will bring it up in person or by phone. I avoid posting anything terribly controversial (with the exception of election day and the week that followed), so my parents never feel the need to make a scene online.

  15. This it outrageous and I had to laugh at how the parent was handling this situation. I felt like the father had made it all about himself and he didn't consider his teenage daughters world and why she might have gone to social media instead of talking to her parents. I would have definitely posted something like that when I was 15 or 16 years old, and I was about to one time when I felt like my world was ending, because I was so mad at my mom for always having me babysit my brother and sister. First, teens are very much capable of posting crappy stuff about their parents on facebook and it shocked me that this parent who works in IT didn't know more about how teens behave through social media. Growing up I remember many many teens posting about their parents and no one really thought it was a big deal because we ALL seemed to feel the same way about our parents. This father was ruining his parent child relationship and he will create an environment of hostility in his home. He was demanding respect through a disrespectful way- he did not need to shoot his daughters laptop! Instead he should have worked on building a better relationship with his daughter and communicated with her so she wouldn't post on social media about her parents again. This teen was struggling in her 15 year old world and her father needed to put himself in her shoes. Moreover, this teen is also learning that she has the right to do this to her own children and that she can resolve her own issues through social media. GAHHH this video is infuriating, but funny at the same time. Personally I believe that this father could have handled the situation a lot better and he shouldn't have posted this video on social media because it doesn't really resolve the issue.

  16. In all honesty, this video is pretty disturbing. The daughter was obviously extremely disrespectful. With that being said, I absolutely do not agree with the way her father reacted to her post. She is only 15 years old, and in my opinion, there are many other directions he could have gone to address his daughter’s disrespectful post. Although I do understand his frustration, I think that the way he carried himself in this video, and the level of severity he assigns to punishment is only going to instill fear in his daughter, rather than actually teacher her to modify her behavior. In all, I think that both the father and the daughter were in the wrong to vocalize their frustrations on social media. It unnecessarily draws public attention to their family, in a matter that could otherwise just be solved calmly at home. Also, the gun was completely unnecessary, and definitely devalues the father’s credibility.

    If I were the daughter in this situation, I would not have taken my anger and disagreement to Facebook (I don’t post much on social media, anyway). However, it seems as though she was doing it as a way to rebel, so there may be other issues going on with her or within their family that we are not aware of. And, in all, I think that the father taking his anger to social media makes him seem immature, but maybe it’s the wake-up call his daughter needs?

  17. The post was outrageous and dangerous. Clearly the father was upset, but flagrant acts such as discharging a firearm in public are unnecessary. I truly believe it only promotes more bad behavior, in the form of one up-manship. People want to push the envelope farther and farther, to see what they can get away with. Was the daughter responsible for this, no. She may only be responsible for her own public rant. Now she also needs to deal with her dad's shaming. Do explicit lyrics in music promote promiscuous and violent behavior, or how about first-person shooter video games? While I believe those mediums have de-sensitized us to acts of violence, people have the ability to make choices. Our elected officials have legislated the need for packaging of those products to identify them as having material unsuitable for children, but they are not able to legislate how people behave in the wake of purchasing those products. Social Media is a tool that can be used just as easily as it can be misused. The speed in which media goes viral is astonishing, and disturbing. It seems that people live vicariously through, and approve of, outrageous behavior. Maybe I'm just old fashioned. It was novel, but certainly not appropriate. Despite his enumerating how his daughter disrespected him, the only memorable thing is his shooting up her computer. Not the lesson you want to promote to the community at large, in my opinion. That's my rant

  18. As some of you have expressed, the response that this video instills in conflicted. It's important for a parent to be able to assert their agency in situation with their child expressing their "misguided" frustrations towards them, but it is also important for that parent to be able to also express communion in their ability to empathize with what their child is expressing regardless of their own personal feelings for it. Rather than attempting to "educate" his child through humility like a lot of these parents that take instances like this to social media are appearing with the intentions of doing, this father could have approached this problem in a much less confrontational manner. All I feel this father accomplished in doing is instilling more tension and distance in his relationship with his daughter, rather than mediating the misunderstandings that appear to be present in their relationship.

  19. I was definitely taken aback by this video, and had a good laugh at watching it. It made me laugh at this father taking the time to sit down, set up a camera, and print the Facebook post all to make a point to his daughter. I thought that he definitely reacted out of anger, but that might've been hard not to do. I think that it was taken it to a level of extremity but at the same time, I remember being in high school, feeling certain ways toward my parents, and my parents getting so frustrated with me. If I were his daughter, I think I would want to figure out how to use my voice in some way so my parents could hear how I was feeling. When I was in high school, I probably would've done the same thing that girl did, write a post on Facebook just to get my anger out maybe with an ounce of hope that my parent would somehow see how I was feeling, denying the fact that the repercussions could look like this. In regards to the parent responding through social media, that part seems a bit immature, but also genius in a way. I think that the authoritarian in him wanted to show her this isn't okay, but also tried to do it in a way where she'd understand. I'm not sure if it worked, and I think that the one thing it would've brought most of would be embarrassment for poor Hannah!

  20. At first I thought it was a good way to retaliate against his daughter for publicly disrespecting her parents. However, I think it was a little over board when he started to shoot the laptop. I think that under no circumstances should people speak poorly of their family members and more importantly, their parents on social media. When you do, you are opening the door for others to speak poorly about them, too. I think the daughter was wrong to go to Facebook about her feelings, but this may be because she doesn't have a strong support system at home or school. The issue may be more about how supportive and understanding the parent's are of their daughter. I'm not sure what I think about If I were the angry daughter I would not take it to Facebook. As I have mentioned it before I don't want to open the door for others to disrespect my parents. I have had younger siblings post up rants similar to the one in the video and it really broke my heart when I found out about them. I wouldn't want to inflict that same kind of pain to my parents or other family members. If I were this mad, I would talk to close friends or my older siblings about it. I wouldn't put my life on display on social media. My parents aren't very good with social media and technology so I know they wouldn't respond to me through that. If they were good with it, I think they wouldn't of went as far as destroying things they bought me. My mom in particular would probably talk about what I've done to my aunts and grandparents and I'd get lectured.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "Oh my God," was all I kept thinking in my head as I watched this video. Listening to the daughters rant, it definitely sounded like she had some entitlement issues and was rude to her parents. If I was a parent and stumbled across a Facebook post like that, I would want to punish my child too. In my opinion, I think it's ridiculous and inappropriate when people take to social media for internal conflicts whether it be between a family, friends, etc. In this case, that goes for both the daughter and the father. The biggest problem I see here is that the father essentially matched his daughter's emotional immaturity. It is common for teenagers to lash out in inappropriate ways-- like making a disrespectful post on Facebook. However, parents are supposed to be more mature and discipline their children in effective, calm, and collected ways. I thought that his physical demonstration of shooting the laptop was barbaric. That may be because I was not raised in a family with guns and am generally anti-gun, but I really did find it completely unacceptable.

    If I was the daughter, I would not have taken to Facebook. I am generally a more private person and have also been raised to keep my family business to myself. Posting a response on social media would be very out of character for my parents, but I would imagine that if they did I would be mortified. Perhaps that is what the father of this video was going for as punishment, however, I think this might just spur more feelings of resentment rather than remorse.

  23. THAT WAS AMAZING. I seriously have so much respect for that father and handling that situation like he did. Because I think we all know that could have gone a total different way. I can't believe that his daughter would say such terrible things online and think that no one would have noticed or that her parents wouldn't find out. JUST CRAZY! I probably would have lost my mind if my daughter said those kinds of things, but he handled in a good way. Because even though he could have gotten super angry and just kept things private in how he handled, he wanted to publicly show her and people what would happen if she kept saying such things. He could have been super angry in his video, but he was calm and told her the truth and told her would happen.
    That was pretty incredible and gives me some ideas to handle punishments if any of my future kids do something in that manner on Facebook or some other media site.

  24. The video made me extremely uncomfortable. On the one hand, we have a daughter that is taking to social media to disrespectfully vent her frustrations about her family, while on the other, we have a father who is angry and lashing out on a different social media platform. Irony is likely lost on the dad, here. Yes, what his daughter did was out of line; she disrespected her family and showed to others that they could as well. I definitely don't agree with her actions, and would have kept my sentiments to myself or aired them to my family (where they belonged). However, the father took it too far; he displayed violence (not to his daughter, but to an inanimate object; uncomfortable to watch all the same) and felt that the best way to handle this situation was to fight fire with fire. I would have felt extremely embarrassed if my parents did this. However, I would have also felt impinged on, social media isn't there territory.
